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Stopping Discrimination and Harassment

What is considered harmful behavior?

Sexual harassment, hate speech, threats of violence, and doxing are all examples of harmful behavior in the online gaming community.

Even an offhand joke relating to characteristics like gender orientation or ethnicity are inherently made to hurt, whether the perpetrator realizes it or not.

Why insensitive words are harmful

According to a recent survey from the Anti-Defamation League of one thousand US gamers aged 18 to 45, more than half of multiplayer gamers reported harassment related to their race/ethnicity, religion, ability, gender, or sexual orientation in the previous six months.
This study also found that roughly ⅓ of LGBTQ, Black, and Hispanic/Latinx players experienced in-game harassment related to their sexual orientation, race, or ethnicity.
And 81% of multiplayer gamers overall experience some form of harassment, the majority of whom also reported experiencing physical threats, stalking, and sexual harassment.
Further, 64% of respondents felt that toxicity impacted them, with 11 percent reporting depressive or suicidal thoughts, and nearly a quarter saying they had quit playing certain games as a result of these negative experiences.

How to rebuke bad behavior

The most effective way to discourage harassment in the esports community is from the ground up. Instead of waiting for change to trickle down from game developers and moderators, every single player should step up as an ally. Something as easy as a simple “that’s not okay” can go a long way.

How to support minority groups in gaming and tech

Game developers should be encouraged to add inclusive elements such as nonbinary character design, but also create an environment where there is a no-tolerance policy on harassment or discrimination. Many popular games are already adding new content moderation tools that include the ability to monitor and moderate voice chat to more effectively protect the community.